


The Influence Of Uranus At The Present Time



Each Age covering a period of about two thousand years has its own zodiacal sign, its own planetary force. For nearly two thousand years the earth has been under the watery sign Pisces ruled by Neptune, the  main features of which have been the establishing of Christianity and the conquest of the ocean. Now the new cycle has begun, Aquarius, an airy sign, is influencing men’s minds along scientific lines in every direction, especially towards the conquest of the air.

Gradually the emotional Neptunian era which has passed through varying phases of religious ecstasy, superstition, confusion and doubt is merging into the Era of Uranus, Lord of the Air, who inaugurated his rule by striking the note of atheism and the worship of scientific facts, and will culminate it by leading men towards the direct knowledge of God.

Uranus, then, as the ruler of Aquarius, will guide and inspire the future leaders of the race. Original thinkers, inventors, scientists, artists, writers and all those who function as individuals rather than collectively, will, in ever-increasing numbers, come under his sway as the age unfolds.

The greatest Uranian characteristic, perhaps, is the desire for freedom of thought, together with the search for new methods of living and a refusal to accept or be dominated by the outworn or traditional, no matter how beautiful it may have been.

The meaning underlying Aquarius, the sign which has baffled astrologers throughout the ages, is even now very difficult to delineate, so varied are the types of men born under its influence, so petty in some cases, so great in others. The esoteric key to its significance however, and one which has hitherto been kept secret, is to be found in the interpretation of its symbol.

If this symbol is considered as the usual two horizontal undulating lines, it indicates man fettered to the earth by the customs of the times through those invisible thought-currents which encircle the earth and influence humanity in general. But regarded vertically, it represents that point at which the circle of desire, as expressed through the animal nature of the other zodiacal signs, is left for the spiral, and Aquarius, the man, begins his ascent towards God.

Carrying this latter symbol even further, the first downward current is the Ego [the lower self] endeavouring to comprehend and control the personality by analysing his own feelings in order to free himself from fear and superstition and arrive at truth; and the ascending current represents he who has finished with desire, and has no more to learn on this planet.

In the combination of Uranus and Aquarius we have possibilities of spiritual development so vast and comprehensive as to precipitate a great change in the future of the whole race.
David Anrias, 1932


The Growth of Consciousness




You know how slowly consciousness grows; the transformation of the home of consciousness – the Heart – is likewise a slow process.

So it should be accepted that a person who gives no thought to the Heart will not succeed in improving his consciousness.

True, in its essence the Heart is not separate from the higher spheres, but this potential needs to be actualized.

How many refractions and distortions occur in a heart not purified by higher thinking! Many valuable transmissions take on an ugly outline simply because the heart has been neglected.

What concepts and feelings, the very best and subtlest, will be missing from the forsaken heart! Won’t we find enmity nesting in a defiled heart?

And let these words not be regarded as abstract comments, for the heart must be educated. It is impossible to build up the brain unless there is refinement of the heart.




Understanding the Evolution of Laws




A multitude of mistakes have been made because the evolution of laws has been misunderstood. 
Whenever humanity approached fundamental laws on the basis of what the ancients had discovered, it usually forgot to take into consideration everything that had accumulated over long periods of time — though such stratifications are of no small importance.

So if you take a stick and draw a circle in the air, it will return to its original position altered and full of new deposits. The philosopher who affirms that our planet is renewed with every rotation is correct. In any case, it changes with every rotation, as does the law, which, while remaining unshakeable at its core, is constantly being enveloped with the spirals of evolution.

These envelopes are deeply significant, which is why it would be an error to adopt the law of past millennia in toto.

And that is why we insist on constant study. We cannot be satisfied with the law that governed the planet during the Ice Age.

Likewise, we cannot equate the spiritual equilibrium of a thousand years ago with that of the present time. Even in terms of chemistry the strata around the Earth have changed. Unapplied energies have been aroused, which is how chaos finds new ways to approach.




As the influence of new energies are more and more felt all over the planet, pushing all of God's creation (the four kingdoms – mineral, plant, animal and human) more rapidly up the ladder of evolution, it is good to have an idea of how these energies influence us humans. In this article we will have a quick look at the energies of Aquarius which are the strongest at the moment.



Aquarius, The Water Bearer - Johfra


 Extract from Johfra: Astrologie, Les signes du Zodiaque, 1981 (Translated from the French version.)


 AQUARIUS, the water bearer, is a positive sign, the last of the air triangle, meaning air in resolution. 

The Sun enters Aquarius at the end of January, when the deepest darkness gradually gives way to light. Saturn used to be considered the ruling planet of this sign, but since the discovery of the planet Uranus in 1781, this planet has been attributed to Aquarius, as the influence of Saturn is not sufficient to satisfactorily explain many facets of this sign.

As far as man's evolutionary path through the zodiac is concerned, this eleventh sign is characterised by transcendence and fluidity of movement across all limits. After having climbed the mountain, in his Capricorn phase, to renew himself, man pours the vivifying waters of a new discernment, from the summit of a newly acquired consciousness, onto those who are still below, in the valley. He is a humanist who will not rest until he has imparted his new knowledge to others. 


 The boundary between self and not-self is not respected here, far from it. The Aquarian lives in total awareness of unity and kinship with his fellow human beings. Ego consciousness certainly exists in this phase, but it is pushed into the background and when this is achieved, the limits are destroyed. This blurring of boundaries, particularly in the macrocosmic sense, between power and matter, mind and body, is the main characteristic of the present time. In astrological circles, this is attributed to the new spirit which, under the influence of Aquarius, is spreading over the world, provoking reactions in each and every one of us.

The General Influence of Aquarius

I would now like to briefly consider the influence of Aquarius. The moment when, in spring, the days are the same length as the nights, the vernal equinox does not always fall under the same sign of the zodiac; it changes due to the slow rotational movement of the earth's inclined axis: it moves backwards by 30° in 2,156 years. Shortly after the universal adoption of the Gregorian calendar, the vernal equinox left Aries to enter the sign of Pisces; it will soon enter the sign of Aquarius.


According to spiritual tradition, when this equinox enters another sign, a new spirit is awakened in humanity. When it entered the sign of Pisces, the Christian religion was born. The symbolism of the fish is obvious here: most of the first disciples were fishermen and later became fishers of men. The multiplication of bread and fish is also eloquent, as is the bishop's mitre in the shape of a fish's head. In the oldest paintings and in the catacombs, the fish is often used as a symbol for Christ. 


 It is said that each age (cosmic century) has its own spirit. The Age of Pisces was governed by devotion and the acceptance of sacrifice. Faith, hope and love were the virtues of the age, as were modesty and courage devoid of violence. These were the ideals, whether or not they were realised. 


The Age of Pisces also experienced the contradictory depths of intolerance and materialism. Knowledge and philosophy leaned more and more to one side. 


Towards the end of the age came wars and mass slaughter, the extent and horror of which the world had not previously known. Although we are not yet out of this stage, a notable change has taken place since the French Revolution; the beginning of a new spiritual climate, particularly in the younger generation of our time. It is here that we can discern the beginnings of a new era.


Although [in 1981] the equinox has not yet entered the sign of Aquarius, it is clear that the influences of the old and the new are impinging on each other. Close to or below the established order, which is clearly coming to an end and is being exhausted in an immense cultural and economic debacle, a number of things are happening that point in a different direction.


Ever since the discovery of radium followed by the splitting of the atom, our materialistic image of the world has been rapidly disintegrating. Knowledge is more and more transcendent. Parapsychology, which has passed through our image and our space, is a case in point.


Man, whom we had become accustomed to seeing exclusively as a mechanism, is now increasingly explained in terms of fields of power. Since the splitting of the atom, matter has appeared as an aspect of energy and vice versa. The occult sciences, too, such as astrology, are no longer relegated so lightly to the ranks of superstition, but are being scrutinised by progress-minded scientists.


At the social level, human rights and equality regardless of race or religion are now generally accepted norms. This is the result of the influence of Aquarius, whose main features are discernment, equality, freedom from dogma, freedom of speech and, finally, a feeling of kinship towards all human beings. Differences and borders are erased. Aquarius brings unity. This man has literally left the earth behind to travel into space, and in so doing has begun to think in cosmic terms. All this is more than symbolic.


In The Mist You Will Find The Way




I Am With You

In the mist you will find the way,

for I am with you.

Know the unfathomable character of eternal creation.

The formless Form, the soundless Sound.

Behold the joy of creation and rejoice at the Wisdom

of the Creator.

The Glory of the Eternal Being radiates in the stars,

and His Might is symbolized in Earth’s highest


Amidst valley and mountain, amidst forest and plain,

will you wander in search of your Teacher.

O foolish one, why seek so far?

I am here, your Teacher.

In your bosom cherish thoughts of service towards


Pilgrim  -  Nicolas Roerich

O Lord of my prayers, be merciful to me in my striving.

Rebuke me not for my transgressions.

My spirit sings the song Thy Song.

But my body is weary and my limbs obey me not.

Pupil, find the energy to fulfil thy striving.

Summon courage!

Thy body must not hinder thee upon the path.

 The Sacred Himalaya Mountains – Roerich

Master, I see Thy Face, I behold Thy Mercy.

Pupil, I am here, but in thy blindness thou didst forget

My Presence.

Eternal, unfathomable, great, and lofty is the Truth.

But the seeker will approach it and will master

its tenets with ease.


Adi Shankaracharya - About Knowing One's Self


The central concern of Adi Shankaracharya's writings is the liberating knowledge of the true identity of jivatman (individual self) as Ātman-Brahman.


According to him, the one unchanging entity (Brahman) alone is real, while changing entities do not have absolute existence. Shankara's primary objective was to explain how moksha isattained in this life by recognizing the true identity of jivatman as Atman-Brahman, as mediated by the Mahāvākyas, especially  Tat Tvam Asi, "That you are." 


Correct knowledge of jivatman and Atman-Brahman is the attainment of Brahman, immortality, and leads to moksha —  liberation from suffering and samsara, the cycle of rebirth. This is stated by Shankara as follows:


     I am other than name, form and action.
    My nature is ever free!
    I am Self, the supreme unconditioned Brahman.
    I am pure Awareness, always non-dual.
    — Adi Shankaracharya, Upadesasahasri 11.7


Here are some quotations from his writings about Knowing one's Self:



"The world, like a dream full of attachments and 

aversions seems real until the awakening."


"Each thing tends to move towards its own nature. 

I always desire happiness which is my true nature. 

My nature is never a burden to me. Happiness is 

never a burden to me, whilst sorrow is."


"Even after the Truth has been realised, there 

remains that strong,obstinate impression that one 

is still an ego - the agent and experiencer. This 

has to be carefully removed by living in a state of 

constant identification with the supreme non-dual 

Self. Full Awakening is the eventual ceasing of all 

the mental impressions of being an ego."


"As gold purified in a furnace loses its impurities 

and achieves its own true nature, the mind gets rid 

of the impurities of the attributes of delusion, 

attachment and purity through meditation and 

attains Reality."


"Thus one should know oneself to be of the nature 

of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss[Sat-Chit-



"The witness of the three states of consciousness 

[waking, dream and deep sleep] and of the nature 

of Existence-Consciousness-Bliss is the Self"


"Who but the Atman is capable of removing the 

bonds of ignorance, passion and self-interested 






Atmastakam, The Song of the SELF – Adi Shankaracharya


The lyrics of Atmastakam by Singers of the Art of Living are a powerful declaration of Self-realization, the realization of the Divine nature of oneself. The song talks about how the singer is not his mind, intellect, or ego, neither is he his senses, nor is he the elements of nature like space, earth, fire, or air, and explains what he is. It is considered a mantra by some.



 Atmastakam, also called Atma Shatkam / Atma-Shatakam / Nirvana Shatakam

The Song of the Self


We know that “Shiva” is, among others, a term used for the power or force or energy of destruction and regeneration within the Universe, on all of its planes and levels (including in nature and in Man). As such He symbolizes one of the energies of the Hindu Trimurti, along with Brahmā: creative or (formative), Vishnu: preservative (or sustaining) energy.

However, “Shiva” is also a name applied to “Atman”, the Higher Self of each of us, just like “BrahmanThe One Universal Self of All, pure eternal spirit, CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF, is of course nameless, but no less an Initiate than the great Adi Shankaracharya – the main codifier and formulator of the Advaita Vedanta (non-duality, non-dualism) form of Hinduism – sometimes used “Shiva” as a synonym for “Atman.”

Shankaracharya wrote the Ten-Versed Hymn (Dasha Shloki), the first nine verses of which all end with the affirmation,

 “I am simply Shiva the Self,
For this remains even in sleep,
After everything is taken out.”

That is true not only for him but for all of us. Whatever name we may apply to the highermost part of our being – whether Atman, Brahman, Shiva, Krishna, Christos, Buddha Nature, etc. – it is the Ultimate ONE.

He also wrote this similar hymn of six verses, Atmastakam where, again, the Atma states what It is not – none of the elements of the lower self, and what It ISpure Consciousness-Bliss – Shiva, the Self (Shivoham).


This hymn has been beautifully put to music by the gifted musician and composer Craig Pruess.


Atmastakam Singers of the Art of Living from Sacred Chants of Shiva


🔴Mano Buddhi Ahankara Chittani Naaham

Na Cha Shrotravjihve Na Cha Ghraana Netre

Na Cha Vyoma Bhumir Na Tejo Na Vaayuhu

Chidananda Rupah Shivo'ham Shivo'ham

I am neither the mind, nor the intellect, nor the ego, nor the mind-stuff.  
I am neither the body, nor the reflections of the inner Self (chitta).
I am not the five senses.
Nor am I the ether, the earth, the fire, the air ;
I am the form of Consciousness and Bliss – Shiva, I am Shiva.

🔴Na Cha Prana Sangyo Na Vai Pancha Vayuhu

Na Va Sapta Dhatur Na Va Pancha Koshah

Na Vak Pani-Padam Na Chopastha Payu

Chidananda Rupah Shivo'ham Shivo'ham

I am neither the Prâna energy (prāṇa),
Nor five types of breath (vāyus - Prāṇa, Apāna, Vyāna, Udāna, Samāna),
Nor the seven material essences, nor the five sheaths (pañca-kośa).
Neither am I the organ of Speech, nor the organs for Holding (Hand), Movement (Feet) or Excretion.
I am the form of Consciousness and Bliss – Shiva, I am Shiva.

🔴Na Me Dvesha Ragau Na Me Lobha Mohau

Mado Naiva Me Vai Na Matsarya Bhavaha

Na Dharmo Na Chartho Na Kamo Na Mokshaha

Chidananda Rupah Shivo'ham Shivo'ham

I have neither aversion nor attachment, neither greed nor delusion;
Neither egotism nor envy, neither Dharma nor Moksha;
I am neither desire nor object of desire ;
I am the form of Consciousnes and Bliss – Shiva, I am Shiva.

🔴Na Punyam Na Papam Na Saukhyam Na Duhkham

Na Mantro Na Tirtham Na Veda Na Yajnah

Aham Bhojanam Naiva Bhojyam Na Bhokta

Chidananda Rupah Shivo'ham Shivo'ham

I am neither sin nor virtue, neither pleasure nor pain ;
I do not need mantras, holy places, scriptures (Vedas), rituals or sacrifices (yajñas).
I am none of the triad of the observer or one who experiences, the process of observing or experiencing, or any object being observed or experienced.
I am the form of Consciousnes and Bliss – Shiva, I am Shiva.

🔴Na Me Mrityu Shanka Na Me Jati Bhedaha

Pita Naiva Me Naiva Mataa Na Janmaha

Na Bandhur Na Mitram Gurur Naiva Shishyaha

Chidananda Rupah Shivo'ham Shivo'ham

I have neither death nor fear of death, nor caste or creed;
I have no father, nor mother, or even birth;
I am not a relative, nor a friend, nor a teacher nor a student.
I am the form of Consciousnes and Bliss – Shiva, I am Shiva.

🔴Aham Nirvikalpo Nirakara Rupo

Vibhut Vatcha Sarvatra Sarvendriyanam

Na Cha Sangatham Naiva Muktir Na Meyaha

Chidananda Rupah Shivo'ham Shivo'ham

I am untouched by the senses, I am neither Mukti nor knowable;
I am without form, without limit, beyond space, beyond time;
I am in everything; I am the basis of the universe ; everywhere am I.
I am the form of Consciousnes and Bliss – Shiva, I am Shiva.

Video Description

Overall Meaning – Craig Pruess

The lyrics of Atmastakam by Singers of the Art of Living are a powerful declaration of self-realization, the realization of the divine nature of oneself. The song talks about how the singer is not his mind, intellect, or ego, neither is he his senses, nor is he the elements of nature like space, earth, fire, or air. He is not his vital breath or the five sheaths of the body. Instead, he proclaims that he is the embodiment of pure consciousness and bliss (Chidananda Rupa Shivoham). The lyrics assert that the singer is not bound by any attachment or aversion, neither does he have any desire for worldly things nor the desire for liberation.

Further, the singer affirms that he is not bound by the cycle of birth and death, neither does he have any fear of death or any sense of caste, creed, or nationality. The singer declares that he is not influenced by the moods of the mind or any disturbance of the senses and is forever established in the pure state of consciousness. The song ends by proclaiming the divine nature of the Self and how it pervades every aspect of creation, and that the realization of this truth leads to ultimate liberation.

Overall, the lyrics of Atmastakam are a spiritual revelation of the true nature of the Self and its divine essence. It provides a beautiful statement of the Advaita Vedanta philosophy espoused by Adi Shankaracharya.


1“This Atman is Brahman” (Ayamātmā Brahma)
 from Mandukya Upanishad of the Atharva Veda.  

“I am Brahman” (Aham Brahmāsmi)
  from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad of the Yajur Veda








You consist of Spirit and Soul and body.”

- The Apostle Paul, 1 Thessalonians 5:23



According to Shri Hans Raj Maharajji, “A prayer is quite simply a request from God to God” (The Explanation Of The “Prabhu Aapa Jago” Mantra). To try and understand what he means, we will set out what Man is according to traditional Hindu teachings (Upanishads) and give a few elements which could contribute to making it clearer.



One can consider that sincere prayers are from God to God because Man is not the physical body that we see, He is the Atman — God, God in Man. Narayana (God), through the Atman is reflected in the heart, and with deep, sincere prayer one can draw close to Him. 


What is the Atman, Which Makes Us God ?

 Here are some important statements about the essence of man in relation to Brahman - the highest universal principle, the ultimate reality in the universe, from the Upanishads.

This Atman is Brahman (Ayamātmā Brahma)
 from Mandukya Upanishad of the Atharva Veda.
I am Brahman (Aham Brahmāsmi)
from Brihadaranyaka Upanishad of the Yajur Veda
Consciousness is Brahman (Prajñānam Brahma)
from Aitareya Upanishad of the Rig Veda.
That thou art (Tat Tvam Asi) (i.e. each person is in reality Brahman, the Absolute)
from the Chandogya Upanishad of the Sama Veda.


All human beings have a higher state of consciousness and a lower one. The lower consciousness expresses itself through the lower mind or lower manas the mind of the personality or the lower self. The more we advance spiritually, the more the heart rules this mind. 


The higher consciousness is ruled by the Atman which is the highest plane or level of our being. It is closely associated with the Buddhi, or the Spiritual Soul, Universal Soul, the Universal Consciousness in Man at a lower level, through which it works. Buddhi is Love and Wisdom. Next, at an even lower level there is the Manas or embodied consciousness which is the Higher intelligence, the Higher Mind. This Higher Manas is the consciousness aspect in man, the thinker. The Sanskrit words manas (“mind”) and manu (“Man”) share the same ancient proto-Indo-European root, man-, meaning “Man”, indicating that he is, indeed in essence a mind and a thinker. The Higher manas is the Human Soul, that which reincarnates. These three aspects make up the Higher consciousness of Man, ruled by the Atman, which contains everything, and so transmits the necessary qualities to the other two. They are divine, eternal. 


The Atman (also written Atma) is God in man. It is the real MAN. It is pure eternal Spirit — without a beginning, without an end. [The Spirit] was not born; It will never die, nor once having been, can It cease to be. Unborn, Eternal, Ever-enduring, yet Most Ancient, the Spirit dies not when the body is dead. (Bagavad Gita, ch. 2)


This Divine Spark is not separate from God — the Supreme Self, so It has never left God's bosom, and never will. Atman literally means Self, and In Hindu spirituality It is also called Brahman, Who is the Supreme Self. It is the highest part of Man's being, It is the Higher Self, the Divine Self. This Self is not individal it is God the One Supreme Universal Self. (Upanishads). However, this divinity in man remains latent as long as he has not realized his Higher Self.


The Purpose of the Atman's Expansion

The purpose of this immature Atman expanding Itself into matter is for It to live through the necessary experiences which will allow It to become a full-blown Spiritual Man expressing the Divinity, and take His rightful place in the universe as a competent Agent of God. 


The Atman pure Spirit not being able to descend to the lower levels of grosser-matter for these experiences, works through Its vehicle (Buddhi), which organizes things for It, and through which It can radiate the light of wisdom to the lower levels to influence and guide the activity of the lower self there, through Its Ray (or Image). 


Mind, prana (life force, vitality), intellect and ego are created by the soul [Universal Soul, Buddhi],” says Hans Raj Maharajji (in Sacha Baba and Meditation). This is to make it possible for the lower self to exist and live through necessary experiences on behalf of the Atman. All spiritual progress in the lower consciousness (the lower self) is registered in the higher consciousness, in the Higher manas.


It is More and More Difficult for the Atman to Guide Its Shadow

The Atman lives in the world of men through Its Ray which animates the fleeting lives on Earth. However, as this lower self (the Shadow of the Atman, the outer self, the personality) goes through different experiences, life after life, the guiding influence of the Atman is less and less felt because man's body becomes more and more complex with the development of the mental, emotional and physical aspects, and so encase Its Ray in thicker matter. And also because of the increasingly materialistic life led, the Atman-Buddhi influence weakens proportionately. Indeed, the five senses of the outer man, along with the activities of the lower mental and the emotions, create a world of spiritual ignorance (avidya) and illusions (maya), making the lower self, Its Shadow, believe that life on the physical plane is the real world. The Shadow becomes attached to this life:


The effort to find happiness creates involvement and attachment to feelings and actions.

(Hans Raj Maharajji in Sacha Baba and Meditation



However in the heart is reflected the love and wisdom of Atman-Buddhi which guide man when he accepts to listen to the the little voice of conscience (inner voice) which tells us what is right or wrong. The more we listen to it, the stronger it becomes, and the more the lower self expresses itself through the heart as love and wisdom.

Because of this spiritual activity, the lower self starts to build a bridge between its mind the mind of the personality and the Higher mind (Higher Manas). But without appropriate diligent spiritual practice (sadhana) this takes a long time and many lives are necessary to build it. Each good thought, word or deed contributes to building this bridge. The bridge is built when the lower mind becomes one with the Higher mind, and so the lower self disappears, since the lower mind no longer exists. 

 Maharajji explains that when the individual ego (lower self, personality) no longer identifies with emotions, it is then possible to get into a state of meditation. In that state the seeker's consciousness rises above that of the lower self, and when it remains there : 

"...his body consciousness and actions progressively dissolve into their root. Mind, prana, intellect and ego are creations of the soul. They slowly, slowly stop moving and through inactivity, dissolve into their source. The spiritual seeker then enters a state where eternal bliss constantly flows. This is called "meditation". (Sacha Baba and Meditation)

...thou hast to merge the two into the One and sacrifice the personal to SELF impersonal”, says an ancient manuscript.


That is why Sacha Baba says (in The Principle of Sadhana):

"Sacrifice the Ego !" (lower self, lower mind, the separative self)

"Sacrifice your own interests."

"Life itself is Yoga. Every action must be united with God. "


According to him,

When a spiritual seeker begins to live in God, slowly, slowly his egoistic knot begins to loosen and then breaks, and the stage comes when there is no difference between God and the devotee. The great power of God becomes one with the seeker, who becomes an instrument of God. Henceforth, all his efforts are directed towards world progress, the enlightenment of this world, and its transformation and unification with God."

This happens when the bridge has been built. Sacha Baba then explains that the disciple must still continue his effort and finish the transformation:

When the seeker reaches that stage, he must still make an effort to change his entire consciousness, and retain the divine energy in him. When his consciousness has completely changed, he will see the world as the centre of God.


In other words, once the bridge has been built, the next stage leads to the union of the mind (Manas) with the Universal Soul (Buddhi) and then with the Atman (Higher Self) — three in ONE. The disciple has now become a jivanmukta — one who is liberated from samsara (the almost endless cycle of birth-death-rebirth).

The Silent Watcher Finally Falls Asleep

However, it usually happens that Atman-Buddhi the Silent Watcher finally becomes practically inactive because His Ray, clothed in more and more matter and encased in thick layers of illusion can no longer make His guiding influence felt. The Shadow then becomes his own master, and the Watcher can no longer direct him through His Ray. So He falls asleep. God in Man falls asleep, just as Sacha Baba says. As far as His Shadow is concerned, the only thing that exists is himself and the physical world (of shadows). He becomes more and more selfish and sees himself as separate from other people and beings. He centers most of his attention on the attractions of this dream-world


This is normal in the development of Man. But this stage cannot last forever and the Cycles of time or Ages continue to unfold, now pushing Man's Shadow to break away from the chains of illusion, to wake up from his dream and go on to the next stage where the higher consciousness dominates.

The Purpose of the Prabhu Aapa Jago Mantra

Sacha Baba, as a saint and Avatar, spent his entire life working for the liberation of the whole world. The purpose of his powerful mantra is to to make it easier for everyone to attain a higher state of consciousness and then Self-Realization - i.e. becoming one with the Higher Self, God in Man, not only to alleviate pain and suffering, but especially to make humanity ready for the new era coming in. This mantra, working on the higher planes in the Universal Soul, greatly helps to tear away or disolve the veils of maya blocking the path to the Higher Self and God. 


Through a more spiritual attitude [including the adoption of a meditative practice, japa, selfless service and an intense desire to live as one's real Self], the thread between the Higher and lower selves gets stronger more quickly and finally they become ONE, and this new Man is no longer dominated by maya, but is ruled by the Atman. He can then say “My Father and I are One”. Man is then liberated from the pairs of opposites eg. sad/happy, pleased/angry, hopeful/disappointed etc. having achieved Yoga – Union with God. He is now a Spiritual Man and will henceforth help God in his work as a competent Agent. Hans Raj Maharajji puts it this way (in The Explanation of the Prabhu Aapa Jago Mantra): 


 “When our flow of consciousness becomes ready to change direction we then enter an awakened state, on a plane where we are one with Paramatma. In that state, there is no samsara, nor the confusion of it, nor attachment or repulsion towards it because we now understand its true nature.”

Golden is the path which leads to SACHA.

Indeed, once on the other side of the bridge,

one has attained the TRUTH

and the LIGHT. 

 - - -