
Three Signs of the Ending Kali Yuga



Shiva's eternal dance of creation, maintenance, destruction and deliverance.

A mantra and all prayers can sustain the outer rhythm and also serve as union with the Highest World. Many people fail to perceive either the outer or inner meaning of prayer. The beautiful hymns of the Rig Vedas died away because they did not penetrate into the heart.

This lack of rhythm can be regarded as a sign of the final period of Kali Yuga. It is precisely darkness which will intrude upon each harmony by every means. Dissonance is the distinctive mark of all contemporary arts. It can even be noticed how consonance and the major key seemingly have become a distinctive characteristic of the old-fashioned. One must possess a certain courage to continue to create in the consonance of the major key—maestoso!

Thus, along the entire structure of life one must note the deviation from every heroism. But the heart demands construction, for it knows how infectious is chaos. Each decay generates further decay.

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At the end of Kali Yuga all processes are actually precipitated; therefore one should not regard the past dates as unchangeable. Even a half century at the end of Kali Yuga represents not an insignificant period.

Thus, the development of the qualities of the heart becomes the bridge to the future. One should firmly realize that the forces of the spirit which heretofore demanded decades, now, through the way of the heart, are accelerated to the highest degree. One can accept this path of the heart as precipitating the evolution of the forces. Where for whole years one exercised refinement and tempering of the body, the heart can move the spirit almost immediately.

Of course, the education of the heart is needed, but this lies in the sphere of feelings, not of mechanics. Thus, let us hasten to invoke the heart for service to the New World.

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The dying out of generations of human and animal life as well as the exhaustion of nature's generative forces indicates the end of Kali Yuga.

This process evolves before your eyes, but only few take the trouble to notice this cosmic manifestation. Even you at times are prone to ascribe to chance the evidences of the austere law called into action by humanity. It would seem impossible not to perceive the occurrences of recent years!

Yet people nevertheless lull themselves with the consolations of yesterday, but should they perceive menacing signs anywhere, they fall under the spell of animal fear. Still no one harkens to the word about the heart. The great salutary substance remains unapplied.

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