
Some Important Notions About The Guru


A disciple aspiring to follow the path of the heart must sense the full power of the flame of Love for his Teacher.

A disciple desiring to help in the building of the Teacher’s works must safeguard the Advice of the Teacher.

A disciple desiring to safeguard the Advice of the Teacher must protect His utterances as pearls.

Learn how to guard the thread with the Teacher and to fill the heart with the Lord. It must not be forgotten that which is essential for an unswerving ascent.

Neither works, nor circumstances, nor character, nor diverse reasons may erect barriers between the disciple and the Teacher.

The manifestation of the Teacher signifies the initiation of the shortest path. To reject the Lord is to betray oneself.

The thought of obedience to a Teacher is alien to people. How can one fear to go astray when the he is the Beacon leading the way?

How can the disciple lose his fire when the Teacher kindles all fires? How can the Shield of the Teacher hold back the disciple if he is already inspired by him?

Thus, in the consciousness of humanity dwells only a faint desire to strive for mutual cooperation. But they must learn to act independently and to embody all the thoughts affirmed by the Teacher.

In that way the Cosmic Mind achieves evolution.

Thus humanity must learn to construct by a higher way. Verily, by emulating the Teacher you assimilate his Image.

Subtlety of receptivity is necessary for an understanding of the Teacher. In the realization that he imbues the disciple’s lower mind (used by the lower self) with higher understanding is contained the entire progress of the disciple.

The creativeness of the lower mind can be impelled upward only when thought ascends. The link between the Teacher and disciple is forged by spiritual striving.

Truly, who will uplift the lower mind of the disciple, if not his Teacher? Only the Higher can uplift the lower. Without this understanding it is impossible to advance. Thus, let us conclude by stressing the refinement of receptivity.

The spark of the spirit kindles the heart, hence Our Teaching is in need of spreading through the fire of the heart. How can one kindle the torches of the lower mind without the fire of the heart? Only fire uplifts creativeness and imbues each action.

The energy that sparks off vital impulse must possess vital fire. In this law are contained all creative powers. The tension of each energy calls to life the surrounding energies.

In this way, all materializations take place, gathering around them all energies. Therefore, the kernel of the lower mind is a mighty accumulator.

Wondrous is the thought of a Brotherhood on Earth. Each discipline of the lower mind produces striving, but only the will can give discipline to this mind. When thought roams about in obvious egoism, then, verily, there is no channel for correct, vital action.

Each lofty thought contributes to the growth of the lower mind.

Holding sincere thoughts towards the Mother of the World and the Guru leads to an expansion of consciousness.

Only the chain of the Hierarchy of Masters will afford the possibility of ascent. Complete obedience leads to true creativeness, for when obedience guides action, power increases, and intensifies all forces.

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